Middle School
Middle School English
七年级英语让学生参与写作和文学体验. 他们用几种不同的写作方式来实现写作过程,比如总结关键思想, responding to literature, narrating fictional or autobiographical topics, persuasive essays and research papers. Students learn to support thesis statements with anecdotes, descriptions, facts, and specific examples. They also write book reports and journals. In literature, students read a variety of short stories and novels. 文学研究的重点是词汇以及文学成分,如人物, plot, theme, conflict, and point of view. 除了文学选集,学生们还阅读与年级相适应的小说.
本课程为学生提供批判性思维和分析能力所需的工具和技能, creative, and reflective writing. Students write narrative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive essays that include a well-defined thesis, detailed evidence, and reasoning to support arguments. In literature, 学生阅读并回应反映和加强他们的历史研究的文化意义的作品. They clarify ideas and connect them to other literary works. They determine the relationship between different forms of poetry, evaluate the structural elements of the plot, compare and contrast motivations of literary characters, analyze setting, identify literary devices, and analyze recurring themes.
Middle School Social Studies
这个八年级的课程涵盖了从内战和工业化的根源塑造美国历史的重要事件. During the year, students discuss our country’s beginnings, 我们民主政府的发展和宪法以及早期的总统和政党的诞生. They examine an expanding and changing nation, 特别是观察南北的不同路径, reform movements, expansion into the west, the Civil War, and Reconstruction era. Students acquire the ability to evaluate historical evidence, 通过观察引发事件和随之而来的后果来理解因果关系, analyze political and economic change, 考虑到人民的理想和社会状况的变化.
In this class, 七年级的学生从罗马帝国开始学习世界各地的不同文化. Students learn to become academic detectives. 他们研究伊斯兰教和伊斯兰帝国的根源,然后是非洲王国和美洲文明, specifically the Maya, Aztecs, and the Inca. 主题还包括亚洲文明,中国朝代和日本. 这门课的高潮是对中世纪欧洲和文艺复兴的研究,最后是对近代早期欧洲启蒙运动的研究.
Middle School Science
本课程是为七年级学生设计的,通过细胞生物学和遗传学来研究他们世界中的生物. Students learn how modern living things evolve, survive, and reproduce through the study of earth and life history. 学生还将学习物理原理在生命系统中的作用. Lastly, 学生学会理解包括调查和实验在内的科学过程.
In Physical Science, 八年级学生对下列科目进行探究性学习:运动, forces, structure of matter, earth in the solar system, reactions, chemistry of living systems, periodic table, density and buoyancy, investigation, and experimentation. Basic concepts in light, mechanics, chemistry are revisited while topics such as lenses, energy transformations, conservation of energy, properties of solutions and solubility are introduced. 此外,学生学习宇宙的结构和组成.
中学数学分班是由学生的先决数学技能决定的. 学生们被安排在与他们的表现水平相关的数学课程中,并在结构化的数学课程中建立概念, sequential manner.
Middle School Math
This course covers a range of topics. During the first semester, students evaluate and write expressions, learn about math properties, review integers, solve linear equations and inequalities, and finish with polynomials. Additionally, they work with ratios, proportions, and percents. Second semester starts with graphing linear equations, learning about slope, and solving systems of equations. Students continue working with inequalities, learn about radical expressions and The Pythagorean Theorem, 并理解关系和函数最终以二次公式结束.
这门课的目的是培养学生的数学能力,以解决日常的问题. Students learn about fractions, decimals, percents, different systems of measurements, ratios, graphs, and equations. 他们通过现实生活中的单词问题/情境来学习整合概念和技能. A solid understanding of basic math paves the way for learning new, more complex mathematics in algebra and geometry.
In this course, 学生们把他们所学到的数学技能转化为更抽象的概念,将这些技能象征性地应用起来. 以前数学课上的运算被应用到更复杂的问题中,这些问题成为我们日益技术驱动的社会的基础. 在代数入门课程中,学生花时间巩固他们所学的基础知识,以便理解这些更高层次的表达式,并期望掌握代数1. 该项目遵循加州公立学校数学框架使用的文本, smart board technology-based lessons, 和现实世界的经验作为达到这些标准的资源.
In Pre-Algebra, students are exposed to the skills, terminology, 以及高中代数课程之前需要的概念. 预代数课程的学生应在年底前熟练掌握基本的代数术语和过程. 该项目遵循加州数学框架使用的文本, smart board technology based design, 和现实世界的经验作为达到这些标准的资源.
During middle school, students learn to refine, combine, 并运用在小学学到的各种动作和运动技能. 学生有机会在了解与身体健康和体育活动有关的更先进的概念的同时,提高他们的健康水平. The emphasis is on the application of movement and motor skills, individual and dual physical activities, track and field, and team activities. 学生通过团队参与与其他学生一起朝着共同的目标努力. The goals of the class include maintaining physical fitness, developing a positive self-image, and fostering appropriate social behavior.
中学生在许多不同的媒介中从各种历史和文化背景中学习和探索艺术. 学生们在课堂上创作个性化的艺术作品,包括素描、油画和雕塑. 这些作品展示了学生的艺术知识,同时创造了个人表达的载体.
The focus of this 8th grade class is on the social, emotional, 以及围绕青春期的生物学发展问题以及一个人面临的人生转变. It incorporates lessons on social skills, developmental theories, 并学习如何更好地了解自己作为一个新兴的青少年. The course is also designed to explain and teach hygiene, health and diet, drugs and alcohol, and the changing human body. Students explore their values, personality, 和经验,以发展和保持健康的决策. 这些工具能让学生更好地为高中和人生的成功做好准备.
这门中学戏剧课程帮助学生了解文化影响如何影响戏剧的内容和意义. 学生分解剧本,分析戏剧,看角色的动机. Through Reader’s Theatre exercises, students use expression, intonation, and inflection to make plays come alive. Students gain practice in demonstrating projection, vocal variety, diction, and gesture in oral presentations.